....the idea of the triple
crunch (credit, energy, climate) and the cost to real people of
these 3 failures of capitalism (and the many others!) is really in
people's minds and our (climate camp's) solution is much better than all the others!

I wonder what "our solution" to the triple crunch is? I didn't think Climate Camp or even London Neighbourhood had an economic policy?

of course there's no party line - but we all have ideas of a completely different society not based not on growth, profit, capitalism etc.

my own personal view is that we don't need to say exactly what it'll look like (as we believe it's up to people themselves how they'll live)

but continue building the climate camp movement as an example

so rather than an 'alternative economic policy' we have a concrete 'alternative society' that people can actually see, learn about and join

and our message is something like "we think the current society doesn't work, here's why, we've already got an alternative which we think is better (because it's non-hierachical, human scale, consensual etc) come and have a look"