Just so you know where I’m coming from – here’s a quick sketch of how I think we can stop RCC and, failing that, build a society that can withstand it.

- To realise that most of things we take for granted are in fact luxuries that we can still continue to enjoy as long as we are sensible, aware of the real costs and make choices between them that are necessary to be sustainable.

- Live in small (3-500 people) autonomous, truly democratic, communities that put people first and produce much of what they need, but are still connected to other communities by trade and electronic communications networks.

If RCC does happen

This model will be the best way of maintaining a good society in the face of severe pressure from shortages, poverty, extreme weather, human desperation, migration, state reaction, reactionary attitudes. And will only survive if communities are open, continue to be democratic, co-operate with each other, remain connected.

I'm working on slightly more detailed idea of how this might be acheived, which i'll post when it's finished.